International Cooperation

Hanoi National University of education rallied the anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers' Day on November 20, awarded high prizes and announced the...
18/01/2019 04:36:02 admin admin 0 3241
On the morning of November 18, 2016, at the K1 Hall, Hanoi National University of Education held a...
"Education for Young Learners" Award 2016 - The Excellent Prize awarded to a lecturer in Hanoi National University of Education
21/01/2019 05:39:22 admin admin 0 13482
Lecturer Nguyen Quoc Huy - Faculty of Physics of HNUE has been awarded the Excellent Prize for...
Prof. Dr. Takaaki Kajita, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2015, arrived Hanoi National University of Education
23/01/2019 02:50:21 admin admin 0 11836
On October28th and 29th, 2016, accepting the invitation of President of Hanoi National University...
National Workshop on Some selected issues in Information and Communication Technology - 19th Session.
18/01/2019 04:51:21 admin admin 0 15656
On 1-2/10/2016, Faculty of Information Technology, Hanoi National University of Education in...
Webometrics Ranking of Universities in Vietnam in 2016
23/01/2019 02:15:33 admin admin 0 12323
In January 2016 (January 2016 Edition: 2016.1.1), The "Webometrics Ranking of World Universities",...
Hanoi National University of Education solemnly organized the 65th anniversary of establishment and university honor to receive the 2nd Order of the...
18/01/2019 05:01:41 admin admin 0 12483
In the morning of November 10, 2016, Hanoi National University of Education had solemnly...
22/01/2019 03:43:01 admin admin 0 13573
HNUE dedicates itself to the establishment of bilateral and multilateral cooperative relations in...
22/01/2019 03:41:11 admin admin 0 12763
22/01/2019 03:38:19 admin admin 0 11693
22/01/2019 03:35:21 admin admin 0 13740

international iformation