The educational philosophy of HNUE is the key perspective pinpointing educational goals, teaching content and methods, and the role of lecturers and learners in educational activities.
Hanoi National University of Education with the Educational Philosophy of Training first-rate educators with a humanistic spirit, modern thoughts, and positive actions for community development towards the goal of training educators with compassion, preserving and promoting national culture; having an independent mindset, the ability to update and create useful innovatory things, ability to criticize science; defining that learning and practice go together, living responsibly for oneself, family, society, and country; taking positive action for the sustainable development of nation, peoples and humanity.
Educational Philosophy Content:
- Prominent educators: As a top-notch university in the system of pedagogical universities, progressing to be a national core pedagogical university, the university strives to educate teachers who are not only masters at their profession but also creative in their occupation; not only a model in terms of qualities and lifestyles but also contributing to the formation and spread of beautiful qualities to learners. In the context that the whole country and the education sector have been making efforts to renovate education, the University targets to train high-quality, key, and pioneering human resources in the field of innovation, educational development, nation-building, and international integration.

- Humanistic spirit: It is considered the basic foundation for learners to be dedicated to learning, dedicating work, caring for all learners in the community, and building an equal learning society for the sake of community development. Furthermore, the spirit of humanity will help students become great citizens, and know how to preserve and promote the cultural traditions of Vietnam. Nowadays, the value of humanistic spirit must become the most crucial and characteristic value in the training process of Hanoi National University of Education.

- Modern thoughts: Learners need to be trained to have an updated and creative growth mindset. Modern thinking helps learners have a deeper understanding of solving problems with many dialectical, scientifically critical approaches to creativity. Modern thoughts will also help learners practice the ability to self-study, explore, discover, self-supplement knowledge, dare to think, dare to do, have common sense, and the ability to learn for life. What is more, the training process at HNUE can train learners themselves to have modern thinking and direct them to consciously arouse in their students' modern thoughts as well.

- Positive action for community development: educating learners to realize that learning is the source of right and noble actions, learning to work, learning to apply and contribute to social development, and learning to serve the country and humanity. Throughout the training process, the school always provides learners opportunities to put what they have learned into practice, helping them form and develop personalities, practicing skills, developing the capacity to spread to future generations, and contributing to the country and humanity.

The Educational Philosophy details of Hanoi National University of Education are not only suitable for the context of educational reform and nation in transition; meeting the needs of learners and today's society, but also predict adaptability in the future. For those reasons, the educational philosophy is absolutely the magnetic needle for all educational activities of the university in concordance with the mission, vision, and core values of the University.
(Promulgate with Decision No. 930 / QĐ – HNUE dated May 06, 2020
by President of Hanoi National University of Education)