According to the statistics in Academic affairs, 1580 students were awarded bachelor degrees in this stage. Among 1580 graduates (both full time and local-proposed full time students), the number of students who received outstanding academic accomplishment accounted for a half. The particular graduation type was mentioned below:
151 students of outstanding academic accomplishment (9.5%)
633 students of good academic accomplishment (40%)
766 students of satisfactory academic accomplishment (48%)
32 students of pass grades (2%)
Among 1580 graduates, there were more than 100 from 5 majors taught in English (Mathematics, Information Technology, Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and more than 30 from Double degree program: Faculty of Primary education – English department, Faculty of Early Childhood Education - English department. Compared to the total number of graduates in the university, this number is not high; however, they are professionally trained and expected to be the pioneers who lay the foundation for teaching the subjects in English in high school.
In the Commencement Ceremony, the President of the University presented certificates of merit to 33 valedictorians of the faculties and excellent students.
The Graduation Ceremony not only finished 4 years of K64 students’ studying and practicing in the university but also created a new horizon for them. After 4 years, thanks to the guidance of the instructors in their faculties, they become confident to start their career path. Understanding these important moments, Prof. Dr Nguyen Van Minh – President of Hanoi National University of Education talked to the graduates from the bottom of his heart in his speech.
He said that new graduates should be brave, strong and confident to immerse in your desires and dignity; independent to live a meaningful life, and take control of their own life, more importantly, and in the age of globalization, the longevity of the country must start with the Vietnamese people who master their lives and know their national self-esteem”. The sense of responsibility when working must be specified by the spirit of high self-awareness and scientific, effective style of work; and they should recognize the power of digital technology and see clearly the duty which is "learn to master yourself, master your work in the digital age, and realize that technological device is a tool to serve the work for a better life, and we are not its slaves”.
Wish the new graduates in 2018 of Hanoi National University of Education will succeed and get many achievements on the way you have chosen!

View of Hall 11-10 in the Graduation Ceremony

Prof. Dr Nguyen Van Minh – President of Hanoi National University of Education delivering a speech at the Graduation ceremony

Prof. Dr Nguyen Van Minh – President of Hanoi National University of Education and Assoc. Prof. Dr Dang Xuan Thu – Vice President of Hanoi National University of Education, presented bachelor’s degree and certificates of merit to valedictorians and excellent students

Ma Hong Anh - representative of K64 students - gave speech and flowers to the teachers of the university
Performance celebrating Graduation ceremony
Photo by Le Linh
Office for Students Affairs