Attending the program, representing the Ministry of Education and Training were Teacher Vu Minh Duc - Director of the Teachers and Education Management Department; Leaders of the Departments and Bureaus under the Ministry; the Drafting Committee of the Law on Teachers; Experts involved in drafting the draft Law on Teachers; Representatives of the leadership from Law Universities, Ho Chi Minh City University of Education, Hanoi Pedagogical University 2, Danang University of Education, Hue University of Education, and Thai Nguyen University of Education.
On behalf of Hanoi National University of Education, there were the presence of Associate Professor Nguyen Van Hien - Party Secretary, Chairman of the University Council; Associate Professor Nguyen Duc Son - President of the University; Associate Professor Nguyen Van Trao - Vice President of the University, as well as representatives of the functional departments, heads of faculties, faculty members, and students of the university.

In his opening speech, Associate Professor Nguyen Duc Son - President of the University expressed his sincere gratitude to the Teachers and Education Management Department for closely coordinating with Hanoi National University of Education to organize the Symposium. He emphasized the significance of the program and affirmed, "The tradition of respecting teachers and valuing education, passed down through generations, holds immense cultural value for the Vietnamese people. In the current context, education is considered a top national priority, and the concrete implementation and institutionalization of values and ideas into law is a task of great importance. The Law on Teachers, once enacted, will have an impact on regulating social relationships and requires consensus. As educational institutions responsible for training teachers and scientists, the presence and voices of teachers in pedagogical institutions, both as future subjects subject to regulation and as scientists capable of foreseeing and having a forward-looking perspective, are crucial. Therefore, the participation of pedagogical universities in the Draft Law holds high practical value. All these values will be incorporated into the outline of the Law and crystallized in the final product."

At the beginning of the Symposium, representing the Chairperson, Teacher Vu Minh Duc - Director of the Teachers and Education Management Department, presented the main contents related to the implementation of the drafting of the Law on Teachers, specifically: (1) Progress in the construction of the Law on Teachers; (2) Policies and draft Law on Teachers; (3) Some new points in the draft Law on Teachers; (4) Some topics that require further input and opinions. Teacher Vu Minh Duc emphasized five key focal points for discussion.

Continuing the program, Professor Nguyen Van Minh - Former President of the University, shared insights on the topic of Teacher Education: The fundamental solution for success in educational innovation. He emphasized some notable points in the draft Law on Teachers and provided examples of teacher education in countries such as the United States, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, China, Taiwan, and Singapore. He highlighted the issues that need to be discussed in the teacher education model at pedagogical universities.

Concluding the presentation session was the speech by Associate Professor Nguyen Van Hien - Party Secretary, Chairman of the University Council, on the provisions regarding teacher training activities in the draft Law on Teachers - A professional perspective. He raised issues and challenges in teacher education and training, as well as the role of continuous training and support for local teachers. Particularly, he emphasized the importance of the relationship between pedagogical universities and the Departments of Education in provinces and cities.

After listening to the presentations, the program became lively with discussions from experts, scientists, leaders, and teachers regarding the regulations on training, development, and international cooperation in the draft Law on Teachers, as well as providing feedback on the draft. Various questions and issues were raised, such as standardizing terminology, creating international cooperation policies to attract talented foreign educators and enhance the position of domestic teachers, the importance of professional certifications, building educational environments that emphasize culture and role modeling, regulations and the relationship between training, development, remuneration, and recognition, as well as protecting and supporting teachers to develop professionally to meet the requirements of educational innovation and international integration in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The Symposium concluded with profound and practical questions that helped the participants address concerns regarding the process of drafting the Law on Teachers - an important document that affirms the position of teachers as key figures in ensuring educational quality and their significant role in society. The Law on Teachers will be discussed in the 8th session (2024) and 9th session (2025) of the 15th National Assembly, making the standardization of the Law on Teachers one of the current focal tasks of the Party and the State.
Some photos were taken at the event: