On April 26, 2019, Hanoi National University of Education held a Seminar: Building the output standards and training programs of Hanoi National University of Education. Participants in the seminar included: University Committee, University Board, Dean and Vice Dean of faculties, Head of offices and leaders of academic departments, relevant centers, high school principals of High school for gifted students and Nguyen Tat Thanh High school and Secondary school. The seminar took place one day with a high concentration on working spirit.
At the seminar, on behalf of the University - Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Minh – President of Hanoi National University of Education - clearly stated the purpose and urgency of the need to develop the output standard framework and training program, training model of Pedagogical Bachelor of Hanoi National University of Education currently. In fact, the University's Drafting Board for training models, training programs and the standard output framework of the University has begun to research and build these contents already for over a year.
The participants of the seminar listened to 03 reports. Report on the 2018 general education program was presented by Prof. Dinh Quang Bao; Report on professional standards for general education teachers was presented by Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Duc Son. The first two reports could be considered as a foundation, and a legal basis to be able to comprehend the issues related to building training models, training programs for pedagogical, pedagogical graduates, and standard output framework of the University.
The third key report was presented by Prof. D.Sc. Do Duc Thai - Representative of the Drafting Committee, focuses on introducing 02 documents: "Pedagogical training model of Hanoi National University of Education" and "Output standard framework of the University's Bachelor of Education Program”. This report presented an overview of the training model, pedagogical system training program as well as the University's standard output framework. Therefore, the contents of each education block were proposed in the pedagogical bachelor's training program of Hanoi National University of Education, in which the training content and pedagogical competence were respected. Corresponding to the training program is the standard output framework of pedagogical bachelor's system. Prominent in the content of the standard output frame is a "teacher's portrait" with specific qualities and competencies, well meeting the requirements of careers and social requirements.
The discussion focused on exchanges around the issues of the third report. Many valuable comments were acknowledged by the President. The atmosphere of exchange is very lively, straightforward and towards the common goal: to contribute to the determination to build a training model with the best training programs and output standards, and for a Hanoi National University of Education is growing stronger. However, to be able to achieve the target soon, all officials and lecturers of the University will have to agree and determination and true enthusiasm to embark on the next specific tasks.
Here are some photos at the seminar:

Delegates attended the seminar. Photo: Le Linh

The chairman of the delegation runs the seminar. Photo: Le Linh

Delegates made speeches at the seminar. Photo: Le Linh
Office for Political and Student Affairs