On the side of external units, the conference was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Nhat - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Historical Science Association, Prof. Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan - President of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi, representatives of the leadership of the Institute of History, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences). On the side of Hanoi National University of Education, there were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Hien - Party Secretary, Chairman of the University Council; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Duc Son - President of Hanoi National University of Education, representatives of the leadership of departments and the Faculty of History.
The victory of Dien Bien Phu (May 7, 1954) is one of the most significant events in the history of Vietnam and the global national liberation movement in the 20th century. For the Vietnamese people, the victory of Dien Bien Phu contributed to the decisive end of the arduous and protracted resistance war against the French (1945-1954), opening a new phase of development in modern Vietnamese history. In world history, the victory of Dien Bien Phu is one of the notable battles of the 20th century, contributing to the collapse of old colonialism worldwide. In his opening speech, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Duc Son - President of Hanoi National University of Education - emphasized that the conference is a forum for experts, researchers, lecturers, and history teachers from across the country to assess the significance and epochal stature of the victory of Dien Bien Phu, to reposition this important event within a broader narrative of national, regional, and global history. The conference also aims to study and promote the heritage values of the anti-French colonial resistance war in general and the victory of Dien Bien Phu in particular in the current socio-economic development process.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Duc Son - President of Hanoi National University of Education delivered an opening remark
With such significance, the conference has received great attention and active participation from hundreds of authors, including researchers, lecturers, teachers, postgraduate students, master's students, and undergraduate students from universities and colleges throughout the country. More than 90 selected papers were presented and compiled into 6 themes: The context, development, outcomes, and significance of the victory of Dien Bien Phu; The victory of Dien Bien Phu in international relations and global public opinion; People from localities and Dien Bien province with the victory of Dien Bien Phu; Lessons learned and heritage values of the victory of Dien Bien Phu; Issues related to the resistance war against French colonialism (1945-1954); Teaching the resistance war against French colonialism and the victory of Dien Bien Phu in history education.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Nhat - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Historical Science Association presented his research
The presented reports and discussions at the conference further affirmed that the victory of Dien Bien Phu (1954) was one of the most significant events in the history of Vietnam and the global national liberation movement in the 20th century. For the Vietnamese people, the victory of Dien Bien Phu played a decisive role in the success of the resistance war against French colonialism (1945-1954), opening a new phase of development in modern Vietnamese history. On a global scale, the victory of Dien Bien Phu holds a special position in the political, military, and international relations of the 20th century. It stands as a shining "landmark" of the national liberation movement and contributes to the complete eradication of colonialism worldwide.

Professor Dr. Vu Duong Huan - Former Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam shared his thoughts
The conference also received the sponsorship and support of the Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VINIF) of Vietnam Investment Publishing - Education Equipment Joint Stock Company (VEPIC), and was covered by numerous press agencies and media outlets.
Below are some additional images from the conference:

Information about the conference on the media channels:
- Báo Dân Việt: https://danviet.vn/chien-thang-dien-bien-phu-nhieu-y-tuong-giup-hoc-sinh-tiep-can-sinh-dong-20240504155925128.htm?gidzl=JeBIPLML7JvDbTThLOuTFK-IrcT8YaXZLCQ6DqwA7p1Nm81WJzyVC577WJ5CZ1zZ1CVKDMOfBljYLfeQFm
- Báo Giáo dục thời đại: https://giaoducthoidai.vn/chien-thang-dien-bien-phu-nam-1954-tam-voc-thoi-dai-va-gia-tri-di-san-post681915.html
- Báo Lao động: https://laodong.vn/giao-duc/chien-thang-dien-bien-phu-nam-1954-tam-voc-thoi-dai-va-gia-tri-di-san-1335683.ldo
- Thông tấn xã Việt Nam: https://vnanet.vn/vi/anh/anh-thoi-su-trong-nuoc-1014/70-nam-chien-thang-lich-su-dien-bien-phu-hoi-thao-khoa-hoc-quoc-gia-chien-thang-dien-bien-phu-nam-1954-tam-voc-thoi-dai-va-gia-tri-di-san-7358627.html
News and photos: Faculty of History