The functions of the Institute of Natural Sciences (INS) include: creating an academic exchange environment among scientists in the field of natural sciences within and outside the University; facilitating national and international collaborations in the field of natural sciences and related areas; establishing interdisciplinary research groups to support natural scientists in participating in interdisciplinary scientific research and implementing interdisciplinary activities in natural sciences; facilitating technology transfer, participating in training and development of human resources related to the field of natural sciences.

During the meeting, Professor Dr. Luc Huy Hoang, who is in charge of the Institute of Natural Sciences at HNUE stated that shortly, the INS will quickly complete its staff, and issue organizational and operational regulations, as well as annual activity plans. Professor Dr. Luc Huy Hoang emphasized the role of the INS in facilitating connections among natural scientists, educational and research institutions, and scientific and technological establishments both within and outside the country.
Recognizing the significance and role of the INS in the development strategy of Hanoi National University of Education, the members of the institute expressed their determination and solidarity with the institute's leadership to build a progressively developing INS, contributing to the enhancement and improvement of research, application, interdisciplinary training, and development of the natural sciences at Hanoi University of Education.
Immediately after the meeting, the INS organized its first specialized seminar with the theme "Some New Research, Fabrication, and Applications of Semiconductor Materials," presented by professors from the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.
Below are some images from the seminar: