Prof.Dr. Nguyen Van Minh, President of the University shared his concerns about education on his speech. One of the roles of education, according to the University President is: "Education is to foster gratitude in every Vietnamese person, to cherish today and act tomorrow". Referring to teaching, he also pointed out the importance of teaching as "creating the future", and the teacher - who chooses teaching is: "chose to love and progress".
At the celebration, Hanoi National University of Education received the Government's Emulation Flag and awarded a Certificate of Merit from the Prime Minister to 01 faculty and 05 individuals. The University also awarded the Principal's Certificate of Merit to 02 disciplines and 03 individuals with excellent achievements in science and technology activities in the 2016-2020 period; announced the Commendation Decision for 38 individuals with outstanding achievements and many contributions in the first National Competition of Teachers of Pedagogy in 2020.
Also at the ceremony, representing for the school's lecturers, Assoc. Prof.Tran Dang Hung, Head of Information Technology Faculty expressed happiness and pride in witnessing the changes of the University, towards Smart University, making the most of automation technologies in management and training. Speaking on behalf of students, Pho Nhat An - a student from class K67K, Faculty of Mathematics - Informatics sent deeply thankfulness and gratefulness to lecturers and the University.
Below are some pictures of the ceremony: