The conference aims to evaluate the work in the academic year 2019 - 2020 and proposes directions, tasks and solutions for the University work in the academic year 2020-2021.
The conference listened to reports, exchanges and discussions on the following contents: Summary report on the work of the academic year 2019-2020 and directions for the 2020-2021; Summary comment report from offices, faculties and centers to the University report; Financial report; Reports of People's Inspection Committees; Report of the Education Inspection Committee. The meeting also conducted the election of the People's Inspection Committee for the term 2020-2022.
The conference took place in a democratic, open-minded atmosphere and achieved a high unity, towards the following key activities:
- Completing the targets set out by the XIV Hanoi National University of Education's Party Committee's Resolution.
- Continue to promote administrative reform and realize University civilization.
- Basically complete the new university training program associated with building an appropriate evaluation system; building outlines of the Master and Doctoral training programs to have a basis for building a continuity system in the university's training. Improve the education environment, innovate teaching methods, and tighten post-graduate education.
- Strengthen the verification of training programs, conduct assessment according to the process, commitment, training quality assurance, tightening graduation.
- Publicize the assessment of management officials at all levels on the basis of work performance. Reform the method of implementing the democracy regulations to ensure democracy for each officer, lecturer, employee and student.
- Focus on improving the quality of scientific research, technology, competitiveness in science and technology activities of the University.
- Efficiently exploit financial resources to ensure funding for the increasingly growing scale activities of the University; to step by step increase key material foundations to contribute the quality of training, scientific research and international cooperation; improve income for employees.
- Identify fields and reputable foreign university partners to enhance international cooperation.
Some pictures at the Conference: