Attending the meeting were the presence of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Minh - President of Hanoi National University of Education, Dr. Dinh Minh Hang - Head of the President Office, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Thi Lam – Dean of Faculty of Early-Childhood Education, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Thanh Long - Dean of Faculty of Special Education, Dr. Dinh Nguyen Trang Thu, Vice Dean of Faculty of Special Education. On the side of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University, there was the presence of Mr. Iitani Shunichiro - Vice President, Prof. Eda Yusuke, Ms. Nakata Noriko - Director of the Center of International Relations/Associate Professor, Dr. Harada Shingo - Assistant Professor and Dr. Matsuyama Naoki - Assistant Professor.
At the beginning of the meeting, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Minh expressed the warm greeting to all the delegates of Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University as well as showed the enthusiasm about the cooperation between the two universities. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Minh indicated that one of the most durable collaborations is of cultural and educational aspects, particularly, research collaboration and exchange students between HNUE and TKGU. On behalf of the university, Dr. Dinh Minh Hang introduced the history and traditions of Hanoi National University of Education; position and role of Hanoi National University of Education in the educational system.
On behalf of the delegation, Mr. Iitani Shunichiro expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and valuable information sharing in education and training provided by HNUE and Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Minh. Prof. Mr. Iitani Shunichiro expressed his views on the desire to further develop cooperation in the field of education, especially in Early-Childhood Education and Special Education, between the two universities. He hoped that there would be more connections which start from researching cooperation such as Health Projects to other mutual interested fields between Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University and Hanoi National University of Education in the near future.
Some photos at the meeting: