In addition to evaluating indicators from educational institutions like present information capacity (Presence), connection level with international educational institutions (Impact), the number of science journals and papers indexed by Google Scholars (Openness), Webometrics also has the evaluation of excellence indicators (Excellence) - including the number of journals published in the database Scopus designed by the hand of Schimago.

10 universities in Viet Nam in Webometrics ranking
At the present, Webometric is no longer a normal ranking table about websites of universities but it is approaching indicators more extensively in terms of university gloable performances, including 2 aspects: the level of digitization and international publishing. In fact, Webometrics also include results of research rankings of universities and research institutes in the world by Scimago
Top 10 educational institutes of Vietnam in the ranking table is: Vietnam National University (ranking 1st in Vietnam and 26th in the South-East Asia), Can Tho university (ranking 2nd and 39th), Hanoi University of Science and Technology (ranking 3rd and 47th ), Hanoi National Univerity of Eduaction (ranking 4th and 60th ), Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh city (ranking 5th and 66th ), Ho Chi Minh University of Agriculture and Forestry (ranking 6th and 80th ), Ho Chi minh city University of Technology (ranking 7th and 86th ). Tra Vinh University (ranking 8th and 100th ), and Thai Nguyen University ( raking 10th and 102nd ).
Source from Dan Tri newspaper