IWALS is an international conference organized annually by an international program committee. It attracts a diverse group of multi-disciplinary researchers and practitioners involved in the fields of psychology, linguistics, cognitive neuroscience, psychometrics, science education, digital learning, and learning sciences. In the past, IWALS had been held in Finland, the USA, Japan, Malaysia, etc. This year, it will be held physically in Vietnam.
On behalf of the Organising Committee, we are pleased to invite you to the 10th International Workshop on Advanced Learning Sciences which will be held physically in Vietnam. The 2024 IWALS will be held from December 14 to December 15. Please keep this event in your diary. The workshop includes the Keynote Speech, Invited Symposium, Invited Talk, Paper presentations, and Poster Presentations.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Learning Science: Conceptual Understanding (Including theories, models, and empirical results on conceptual understanding, conceptual change approaches to learning in science, methodology for investigating students’ processes of concept formation and concept use, and strategies to promote conceptual development)
- Science Teaching Processes and Instructional Design
- Digital Resources for Science Teaching and Learning
- Nature of Science: History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science
- Discourse and Argumentation in Science Education
- STEM/STEAM Education from preschool to high schools
-. Equity, Diversity, and Identity in Science Education
- Evaluation and Assessment in Science Teaching and Learning
- Teaching and Learning Science at the K-12 education and University.
- Pre-service and In-service Science Teachers Education
- Cognitive neuroscience of language development, language impairment, reading development, and reading impairment
Guideline For Conference Abstract Submission
- An abstract of 300- 500 words (incl. main research purpose, methods, findings, and significance) and a short bio (max. 100 words, 1 paragraph) are required
- Poster Submission: The poster abstract shall be written in English and include the title, authors and their affiliations, research questions, method, results, conclusions, and references. The length of the abstract shall NOT exceed 500 words (not including references).
- Abstract (in English) should be formatted in Word file and submitted to
- Subject: IWALS 2024 Abstract/Poster abstract submission
- File name: First author-name
Post-Conference Publication
If your abstract is accepted, you are encouraged to submit the full paper before 15 February 2025. These manuscripts would be considered for publication in the National Taiwan Normal University Press’s Conference Proceedings or special issue in the SCOPUS/WoS-indexed journals. Please note that: Acceptance of an abstract at a conference does not ensure acceptance of the manuscript. Conference scientific committee and journal editors may review the full papers separately and make decisions based on the quality and relevance of the content.
Practical information and timeline
Language: English
Conference Hall, Building K, Hanoi National University of Education
Address: 136 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam.
Important dates
- Abstract submission deadline: 15 September 2024
- Acceptance Notification: Before 5 October 2024
- Conference dates: 14- 15 December 2024
- Full paper submission deadline: 15 February 2025
Conference fee
Early-bird payment/ Registration Deadline: 15 September 2024
Later payment/ Registration Deadline: 25 October 2024.
International participants
Conference Guest
(without abstract submission)
80USD (2.1 mil. VNĐ)
120USD (3.1 mil. VNĐ)
Conference presenter
150 USD (3.9 mil. VNĐ)
200USD (5.1 mil. VNĐ)
Student fees (undergraduate, graduate students)
100 USD (2.5 mil. VNĐ)
150 USD (3.9 mil. VNĐ)
Vietnamese and low-income countries’ participants
Conference Guest (without abstract submission)
50USD (1.3 mil. VNĐ)
80USD (2.1 mil. VNĐ)
Conference presenter
100 USD (2.5 mil. VNĐ)
150USD (3.9 mil. VNĐ)
Student fees (undergraduate, graduate students)
80USD (2.1 mil. VNĐ)
100USD (2.5 mil. VNĐ)
* For each registered Guest, this fee is non-refundable.
For multiple-authored papers, please note the fee is valid only for the corresponding author. Co-authors will be charged a one-time ‘Conference Guest’ registration. The fees are non-refundable – even if your paper is not selected for presentation or not included in the Conference proceeding.
Authors of submitted papers need to register and pay Conference fees on or before the “Final Registration” deadline. If a paper is invited to submit the full paper to the National Taiwan Normal University Press’s Conference Proceedings and other international journals, the author(s) may need to pay additional publication fees according to the requirements of each journal.
Payment detail:
- Please transfer your conference fee into the following bank accounts of Hanoi National University of Education:
Vietnam dong
Name of Beneficiary
Hanoi National University of Education
Hanoi National University of Education
Hanoi National University of Education
University Address
136 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Ha Noi, Vietnam
136 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
136 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
Account Number
Swift code
Bank address
263 Cau Giay Street, Cau Giay dist, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
263 Cau Giay Street, Cau Giay dist, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
263 Cau Giay Street, Cau Giay dist, Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
Name of Bank
Ngan hang thuong mai co phan Dau tu va Phat trien Viet Nam (BIDV)
Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)
Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)
Cau Giay
Cau Giay
Cau Giay
- Please indicate “Your full name, and Conference Guest or Presenter IWALS2024” on your money transfer. Additional bank service charges will be the responsibility of the participant.
After remitting payment, please send a scanned copy of the receipt and a completed registration form to khoahoc@hnue.edu.vn . You can also register online and upload a copy of the receipt to the website.
For more information, please contact the Conference Organizer at khoahoc@hnue.edu.vn.
Please update the Conference information on the IWALS website: https://top.ntnu.edu.tw/2024-iwals/