The purpose of the self-assessment is to review all school activities for the five years from 2012 to 2016 and identify strengths, points and follow-up plan. The plan will maintain and promote strength and overcome weaknesses to continuously improve the quality of the university.
After nearly one year of implementation, the university has completed its self-assessment report to the Council of self-assessment. After the school self-assessment committee evaluated, they sent it to the Department of Educational Quality Control and Testing and registered to the Center of Higher Education Assessment.
On 25/5/2017, the External Assessment Committee of Vietnam National University signed an evaluation contract with our University.
On 10/6/2017, Hanoi National University of Education held the opening ceremony of the official assessment (from 10/06 to 14/06/2017). During this time, our school well coordinated with the External Assessment Committee.
On June 14, 1977, the university held a closing ceremony. The external assessment team gave some general evaluation and recommendations of quality improvement.
On 5/09/2017, the Center of Educational Accreditation - VNU sent the Certificate of Accreditation to our University. Accordingly, Hanoi National University of Education "meets the quality assessment standards for higher education: 85.2%”

Accreditation of QUALITY ASSESSMENT STANDARDS of Hanoi National University of Education.
Photo: Hanoi National University of Education
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