From the Ministry of Education and Training, there was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vu Thi Tu Anh - Deputy Director of the Department of Continuing Education. From RMIT University (Australia), Prof. Denise Cuthbert - Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, and Mr. Joseph Dao Tuyen - Director of Investment and Regional Development, were present.
Representing Hanoi National University of Education were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Hien - Party Secretary and Chairman of the University Council, Dr. Dinh Minh Hang - Head of the President's Office, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Duong Minh Lam - Head of Science and Technology Management Office, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Duc Anh - Head of Postgraduate Office, Prof. Dr. Le Huy Bac - Director of the Institute of International Education and Training, and Dr. Pham Thi Ngoc Quynh - Deputy Head of the President's Office.
The working program was divided into two sessions. In the first session, representatives of the university leadership and RMIT University discussed international cooperation opportunities, focusing on implementing Project 89 of the Ministry of Education and Training.
The second session took the form of a seminar aimed at improving lecturers' skills for studying and researching abroad, presented by Prof. Denise Cuthbert, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation at RMIT University. The seminar initially addressed the issues of lecturers and young university staff in improving their skills for postgraduate study abroad.
The working program was not only successful but also promising, opening up many important cooperation opportunities between Hanoi National University of Education and RMIT University (Australia). This success paves the way for a bright future of collaboration and mutual growth.
Here are some visual highlights from the working program, providing a glimpse into the engaging and productive discussions that took place.