The conference attracted the attention of many local and international scientists. Within the country, scientists from research institutes, universities, colleges and academies have submitted articles and participated in: Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs; Institute for Women Studies; Research Institute for Training and and Technology Consultancy; Vietnam National Children's Hospital,…Hanoi National University of Education, Hue University, Da Nang National University of Education, Ho Chi Minh National University of Education, Hung Vuong University, Vietnam Young Academy, Law University, Court Institute; Military Politics Academy, high schools such as Dinh Tien Hoang, Nguyen Binh Khiem, Vinschool, Olympia, Ngo Si Lien, Nguyen Sieu, Me Linh…There were many foreign delegates and experts who participated in and reported at the conference, such as Prof. John J. Murphy, Arkansas State University; Prof. Jose Cervantes, California State University; Dr. Lê Nguyên Phuơng, Chapman University, California University, Long Beach; Dr. Michael. Hass, Chapman University - America; Dr. Paul B. Jantz, Lisa Bernstein, Le thandar Soe (Myanmar); Risatianti Kolopaking (Jakarta Indonesia),…
Topics of the conference were exploited from various scientific perspectives. It included plenary sessions and four sessions at the intensive sections: Cognitivism and Studying; Field of Emotion and Behavior - Social Interaction; Psychological support for children with special needs; School psychological support. In addition, four roundtable discussions on different topics were organized such as: The role of media in raising public awareness of school psychology; advantages and challenges in constructing School Psychology Room at secondary school; The role of parents in promoting rights for disabled children; Let’s become a School Psychologist. In particular, the Organizing Committee held 7 mini skills workshops to share professional skills for organizations and individuals who are interested in, such as: a focus on short solution in the school - Practical and strategic skills; Skills to establish a happy class based on school psychology; Functional behavior assessment; the use of formulating cases in psychological interventions; the Mindfulness Approach in the classroom; Conversational purposes: Effective interviewing for evaluations; Brain injury: Clinical interview.
The seminar is a place not only to meet and discuss professional issues in the field of psychology and school psychology but also to share and exchange experience of people working in specialized fields and related field all over the country.

The delegates in the closing ceremony
Photo by Faculty of Psychology & Pedagogy