In the morning of April 3, 2019, the international scientific conference on the topic "French press in Vietnam and Indochina (in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century)" was held at Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE). The conference was held by HNUE in collaboration with the Institute of Literature (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences) and Le Mans University (French Republic).
The speakers in the seminar presented many interesting issues about the form, content, method of publication and operation of newspapers published in France and Indochina during the French colonial period.
- In the report "Newspapers in the French empire from 1918 to 1940", Dr. Francois Vignale and Prof. Dr. Franck Laurent provided information on the press situation and press publishing is recognized from a multidisciplinary approach of studying literature, history, sociology, information science and communication etc.
- Dr. Doan Anh Duong (Institute of Literature) presented the report: "Women and nationalism: Newspapers, nationalists and women in Vietnam in the first thirty years of the twentieth century". According to the speaker, sharing media is journalism, but with different views and approaches to ethnic and colonial issues, Phan Boi Chau, Nguyen Van Vinh, Pham Quynh, Dam Phuong woman has very different views on the position, role of women, as well as the path of women's rights and feminism in Vietnam.
- Dr. Tran Van Kien and Dr. Tran Xuan Tri (Hanoi Pedagogical University) presented the report: The newspaper Le Courrier d’Haiphong (1886-1945): Forum of French Capital in Tonkin (Indochina), highlight the process of establishment, development, and the basic content of the newspaper.
- The conference attracted the participation and lively exchange of many researchers from Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi National University of Education 2, Institute of Literature, History Institute, University of Social Sciences and Humanities etc. This is not only an opportunity for scholarly exchanges between domestic and foreign scholars but also opens many directions of interdisciplinary research in human sciences.
Some pictures at the conference:

Author: Office of Science and Technology
Photos: Office of Science and Technology