The delegates attending the opening ceremony with academic staff and students of Hanoi National University of Education were Ms. Nguyen To Uyen – Vice Secretary of Vietnamese Communist Party Committee of the group of universities and colleges; Mr Nguyen Ngoc Dung – Director of the program of developing the pedagogical universities, on behalf of Ministry of Education and Training; Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Hop – Vice President of Trade Union of Vietnam Education; Mr. Nguyen Quoc Hung – the representative of Hanoi Police Department; and the representatives of Cau Giay district People’s committee and Police District Headsquare of Cau Giay; the representatives of Dich Vong Hau ward, families of the top students and students admitted without entrance exam; and the reporters from Vietnamnet, Vnexpress and Giao duc thoi dai (Education Times).
After the performances from academic staff and students at Music and Fine Arts Education, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Thu – Secretary of the University’s Vietnamese Communist Party Committee and Vice President of HNUE read the letter sent to Ministry of Education and Training from President Tran Dai Quang on the occasion of the new school year 2018 – 2019.
In his speech, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Minh – President of HNUE sent high school students, undergraduates and graduates of HNUE meaningful messages. He hoped that they would take positive action to well prepare for their own future, to help people in difficulties, and to develop the next generations. To take positive action, they need to have great awareness, realize wrongdoings, think carefully and make an effort to solve these problems. Some typical problems which students from HNUE should cooperatively change are the difficulties of education and the creation of people's belief in education; protecting and preserving the beauty and characteristics of the Vietnamese culture in the development of the country, and the overdependence of people on the digital technology.
Besides, the President of HNUE also highlighted the most significant missions of the university in the 2018 – 2019 school year. These are:
1. Completing the development of the standards of graduation of the University and the training sectors, developing training programs, creating the connection between the faculties, supporting the recognition of the programs with partners.
2. Fundamentally changing the manner of administration and service,creating an airy environment in academic activities and operation, putting the works into effective operation; greening the campus; building a truly civilized university.
3. Make the utmost effort to actively implement the tasks meeting the requirement of innovation which are considered as the opportunity and responsibility of all the members of the university.
4. Enhancing the quality of academic staff, continuing to arrange the units of the university suitably, focusing on doing research, publicizing the feedback of the learners to academic and administrative staff; strengthening international exchanges effectively.
5. Encouraging learners to participate in on-campus activities, especially research and training activities. The learners should be considered as the top priority of the university.
In the opening ceremony, on behalf of all the staff of HNUE, Dr. Dinh Minh Hang – Lecturer at Faculty of Philology, Head of Political and Student Affairs and Vice Secretary of Youth Union delivered a speech. On behalf of all the students of HNUE, Le Quynh Anh (K68), the top student in the entrance exam at Faculty of Mathematics, had a presentation and sent bunches of flowers to lecturers.
The president of the university gave awards to the top students, students attended directly without entrance exam, students attended by nomination in the entrance exam in 2018 (including 23 students with the highest marks in the entrance exam, 23 students attended directly without entrance exam and 56 students attended by nomination)
Some photos in the opening ceremony:

The whole scene of the opening ceremony- taken by Le Linh
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Xuan Thu – Secretary of the University’s VCP Committee and Vice President of HNUE read the letter sent to Ministry of Education and Training from President Tran Dai Quang on the occasion of the new school year 2018 – 2019 - taken by Trung Hieu

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Minh – President of HNUE delivered a speech
– taken by Le Linh

Dr. Dinh Minh Hang – Lecturer at Faculty of Philology, Head of Political and Student Affairs and Vice Secretary of Youth Union delivered a speech – taken by Le Linh

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Minh – President of HNUE gave awards to the top students, students attended directly without entrance exam (students with the first prize in the national exam for gifted students) – taken by Le Linh

Le Quynh Anh – a student at Faculty of Mathematics, on behalf of all the K68 students, sent bunches of flowers to lecturers – taken by Le Linh

Performances from lecturers and students from Music and Fine Arts Education – taken by Le Linh

Lecturers and students in the opening ceremony – taken by Le Linh
Political and Student Affairs