In recent times, these terms "STEM" and "STEM education" are mentioned a lot, not only by teachers, the education experts, but also the politicians, leaders of global technology group. In educational term, STEM can be understood and interpreted on many levels, such as policies STEM (the policies prioritized to promote STEM education), curricula STEM (educational curricula which concern and emphasize on subjects STEM), school STEM (schools which focus and have the strength to teach subjects STEM), subjects STEM (Science, technology, Engineering, Math), lessons STEM or activities STEM (lessons or teaching activities based on the theme integrating interdisciplinary STEM). In professional term , STEM is understood as jobs in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Encouraging and promoting STEM education in every country is geared towards the final goal, which is to develop human resources to meet the increasing requirements of the professions related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Hanoi National University of Education is one of the pioneering universities in Vietnam in basic research and development of STEM education in schools and integrating STEM education content into the curriculum of training students. STEM education research groups of the school are formed from Faculty of physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Psychology & Pedagogy, which have a collaboration in research with some STEM educational research groups of Taiwan, Netherlands, Thailand, the United States and have published many articles in action- oriented applications of STEM education in Viet Nam( V-STEM). Many members of the STEM education research groups in Hanoi National Univerity of Education are consultants for the Ministry of education and training in the deployment of STEM education in schools. Also, Faculty of physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Psychology & Pedagogy have directly deployed STEM education to schools in Hanoi through experimental activities based on teaching- oriented STEM education.
Derived from the above practices, the seminar "teaching-oriented STEM education" was organized for scientists, lecturers, postgraduate students in Hanoi National University of Education, experts of teaching equipment company PASCO-USA, S3 Innovation Institute and representatives of Board of trustees and teachers of more than 35 schools in Hanoi and surrounding provinces to share and discuss the principles of accessing STEM education and practical implementation of STEM education. Therefore, finding the solutions to enhance STEM education in the school, the seminar was also an opportunity for the guests, experts and more than 60 students from 06 schools to participate in STEM experimental activities conducted by PASCO (CETT), S3 Innovation Institute and Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Psychology & Pedagogy in Hanoi National University of Education
Here are the photos of the workshop.
Assoc. Luc Huy Hoang made an opening speech of the seminar
Assoc. Nguyen Van Bien presented the STEM model at Hanoi National University of Education
Assoc. Le Huy Hoang presented the teaching- oriented STEM education in the new school curriculum

Dr. Laurie Chiu-Mar presented modern teaching equipments used in STEM experimental activities
Prof. Nguyen Van Hien presented the general research of STEM education of experts from 3 countries: Thailand, Taiwan and Viet Nam

Photos of students interested in STEM experiments during the seminar
From: Faculty of Physics