According to the above decisions, the ratio of criteria that meet the requirements of the two training programs is:
- Bachelor of High-Quality Chemistry: 84%
- Bachelor of Primary Education (Regular): 80%
With the above percentage, two training programs of Bachelor of High-Quality Chemistry and Bachelor of Primary Education (regular) of Hanoi National University of Education had been recognized to meet the quality standards of education due to Minister of Education and Training issued.

Before that, from May 26, 2018 to May 29, 2018, the Center for Educational Quality Accreditation - Hanoi National University cooperated with Hanoi National University of Education to organize the main survey. Quality evaluation method 02 training programs Bachelor of High-Quality Chemistry and Bachelor of Primary Education (Regular) of Hanoi National University of Education. The team of external auditors has Prof. Dr. Mai Trong Nhuan - Team leader, Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong - Union Secretary, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Duy Cam - Permanent member, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Van Anh, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Do Thi Thuy Hang, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Tuan and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bui Duc Nguyen are members of the delegation.

These were the first two pedagogical training programs of the University which were accredited with quality accreditation standards. The quality assessment of two training programs to enhance the position of faculties and universities, helped promote and attracted admissions in the competitive environment of higher education nowadays. Two training programs included Bachelor of High-Quality Chemistry and Bachelor of Primary Education (Regular) recognized to meet the quality standards of education had once again affirmed the brand, reputation and quality of training. The University's creation met the expectations of society and national standards, affirming that Hanoi National University of Education was the leading and key Pedagogical University of the country.
Center of quality assurance.